How Does Sophrology Work?


And so you accessing with psilocybin, you're accessing your soul, who I am, if I'm not traumatized, it's your feeling that's going to help you to access your feeling, yes so for me, this is a wonderful tool to help people be conscious of who they are, of their soul, of their real self. And so my company is called sophrodelic, because sophology and psychedelic. So now we've talked about connecting the soul and body and mind is the sophology. So Casado was in his hospital helping people to overcome traumatic shock, the shell shock and and the PTSD and being conscious.

So when you have trauma, one thing is somatic therapy. Basically, it's you're going to, you know, to survive, like you know, you're going to often disconnect from your body, you know. Because if not that, maybe you will die that you know. So you're pumping like, you know, like, all this adrenaline, all these chemicals that's going to help you, like, not feel, not and and disconnect.

People, when they've got a trauma, they disconnect. And lot of people that have been traumatized, they completely disconnected. They can't feel their body. So it's important that sophology is going to gently help you reconnect with your body.

If you want to heal, you need to be present in your body. You need to be present in your feeling. You need to feel that you stress. You need to feel the pain, you need to be able to and that going to help you to relax. And Sophrology is also guided meditation, so it's in some ways very similar to psychedelics, is that we're going to, like, go inside your psyche to create the future. So the difference in like, mindfulness and sophology is that mindfulness works in the here and now and mindfulness normally doesn't really work with intention.

Mindfulness is when you're doing practicing, like real mindfulness, you're gonna have to accept what is Sophrology and maybe people are not going to be agreeing with me, but I and maybe I'm wrong, but sophology works in three dimensionality. We working in the present, we working in the past, and we working in the future. In my book, I speak about the power, you know, you can totally do that. Talk about the power of now. I talk about the power of the future. I believe in the power of the future. My motto is: dream your life and live your dreams. Sophrology will help you to dream your life and to help you to live your dream you're going to do, so what I believe is that you need to use your past in the present to build your future, and you're going to protect your future.

Then people, people that have trauma, they can tell you, you can see that, you know, I can, I do like, a very little exercise in and just like, you know, asking people, like, close your eyes. Some people come close their eyes, like, for like, more than one minute. So, so you can see right away that you know the level of interoception, like you know that hyper vigilance that people are in the idea of now, so, yeah, so this is the level of stress that you know, the stress goes so so slowly that you know you're gonna be able to accompany people with a gentle little exercise. The meditation can be very simple. You can meditate eyes open. There is very, very different way to meditate and to and to help you slowly, to be able to listen to your body.